The Bamford "Hi-Ram Pump ®"
File Downloads
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File Downloads
The following files may be downloaded for off-line viewing to assist those interested in the Bamford Pump. All files are copyright, and under no circumstances is a file to be altered in any way or used for other purposes.
The files may be updated from time to time, and you should check here to see if you have the latest version.
Depending on your computer and software:
If you click a link with the left mouse button, you may be able to open the file in a new window for viewing with your Web Browser.
If you click a link with the right mouse button, you should be able to save the file for later viewing.
Files are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format
(The free Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from here.)
To the best of our knowledge these files are virus free (and we actively try to keep it that way) - but downloader beware!
Brochure, landscape, double sided as a three-fold brochure.
[brochure.pdf - 29 March 2006 - 109 KB]
Pump Installation and Drive Pipe Construction.
[install.pdf - 10 June 2003 - 474 KB]
[addend1a.pdf - Addendum 1 - September 2004 - 43 KB]
(install.pdf combines and updates three previous files. We suggest you download it for reference rather than try to view it on-line)
If you have trouble downloading or viewing the file install.pdf, a group of internet pages containing similar information is also available by clicking this link.
Installation and Drive Pipe Construction
Bamfords, Post Office Box 11, YASS NSW 2582, AUSTRALIA
Phone +(61 2) 6226 4068
Bamford Industries NSW BN97702171, and John Bamford and Associates NSW L8632225
"Hi-Ram Pump" is a Registered Trade Mark
Copyright ©Bamford Industries 1999-2014
Home Page