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Home Page - John Bamford & Associates, and Bamford Industries


This internet site provides information about the business and other interests of John Bamford & Associates and family members. The main areas of the site are briefly described below.

The Bamford "Hi-Ram Pump ®"is a simple self-powered pump run by water. At present the Hi-Ram Pump is available in only one size, which is a 1 inch or 25 mm pump. It is available for export from Australia, and for sale within Australia.

Domain Registration is now only available to existing customers and those in direct contact with us. Details of ICANN's Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities can be viewed at:

The Items for Sale area is being changed to encompass several categories of family items and farm equipment. Many of these items are quite old and can be regarded as historic or collectable. Those items which are not too large and/or have a packaged weight of less than 20 Kg are normally available for export. Larger items may be available for export subject to special arrangements.

Featured item Harvard Classics, The Five Foot Shelf of Books. P F Collier and Son, First Edition 1909.

The Vehicles area mostly covers vehicles and associated activities with which I have been involved over the years. At present, many pictures relate to military Land Rovers, although this will be expanded to other types of vehicles. This information is primarily for general interest, and for the benefit of those who may own such vehicles or be interested in their history.

The Genealogy area covers our Bamford family history going back to the late 1700's in England, and in Australia from 1890 when Philip Bamford left Littleborough in Lancashire to come to Australia on the SS Ruapehu. There is also some Blackwell family history in Australia, from when Samuel Blackwell came from England to Australia in 1840. Samuel Blackwell brought to Australia the racehorse Panic, of Melbourne Cup fame.

About Us

Bamfords, Post Office Box 11, Yass NSW 2582, AUSTRALIA

Phone  +(61 2) 6226 4068

Bamford Industries NSW BN97702171, and John Bamford & Associates NSW L8632225 ™ is a Trade Mark

Copyright © John Bamford 2014. All rights reserved.