The Bamford "Hi-Ram Pump ®"
Drive Pipe Photographs
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Drive Pipe Photographs.
The Drive Pipe diagrams indicate recommended methods of construction, although variations may also work.
The use of any plastic pipe in the Drive Pipe will greatly reduce performance, and the pump may not work at all.
1. Standpipe.
The same Standpipe arrangement is used for both Type A and Type B Drive Pipes. The entry into the Drive Pipe is from the gray concrete tank at the left (which can be regarded as a very large Header Tank).
1. Standpipe.2. Standpipe Connections.
The same arrangement is used for both Type A and Type B Drive Pipes.
2. Standpipe Connections.3. Type A Drive Pipe
The complete pump assembly with Outlet Valve is at the end of the Drive Pipe. This picture also shows the right angle bend in the drive pipe.
3. Type A Drive Pipe4. Bend in Type A Drive Pipe
4. Bend in Type A Drive Pipe5. Complete Pump at End of Type A Drive Pipe
The Steel Pipe on the left is the end of the Drive Pipe. The black fitting at the bottom right is the non-return valve to which the Delivery Pipe is connected.
5. Complete Pump at End of Type A Drive Pipe6. Type B Drive Pipe
In this arrangement, the Outlet Valve is part way along the Drive Pipe at the right angle bend.
6. Type B Drive Pipe7. Bend in Type B Drive Pipe
A close up view of the Gate Valve and Outlet Valve part way along the Drive Pipe at the right angle bend.
7. Bend in Type B Drive Pipe8. Main Pump Body at End of Type B Drive Pipe
8. Main Pump Body at End of Type B Drive Pipe9. Set-up for Test Run of Pump.
Showing how the Pump, Drive Pipe, and Standpipe can be temporarily assembled and run using a garden hose connected to the Standpipe.
9. Set-up for Test Run of Pump.10. Pre-Fabricated Drive Pipe.
A compact Drive Pipe assembly can be made from short lengths of pipe connected together using galvanized pipe bends. The picture shows such a Drive Pipe on a frame with the Pump and Standpipe attached, so that the complete assembly could be easily moved from one location to another.
10. Pre-Fabricated Drive Pipe.Home Page
Bamford Industries, Post Office Box 11, YASS NSW 2582, AUSTRALIA
NSW BN97702171 ABN 65 532 775 937
Phone +(61 2) 6226 4068
"Hi-Ram Pump" is a Registered Trade Mark
Copyright ©John Bamford 2003-2014